"Ubi ergo Petrus, ibi ecclesia; ubi ecclesia, ibi nulla mors, sed vita eterna".
“Onde está Pedro, aí está a Igreja; onde está a Igreja aí não há morte, mas a vida eterna”.
Santo Ambrósio, Enarrationes in XII Psalmos davidicos; PL 14, 1082

segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2008

Rito Gregoriano, nome correto da Forma Extraorninária, em todas as Paróquias

Entrevista com o Card. Castrillon Hoyos
Fonte: Damian Thompson, Telegraph.co.uk

Elena Curti (The Tablet): Your Eminence, I’d like to ask what you make of the response of the Bishops of England and Wales to the Pope's Motu Proprio.
Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos: I think it's a good one. There are some probems because it’s a new way of celebrating liturgy and they need time to prepare priests and catechists on the content of the Extraordinary Form.
Reuters: In some parts of the world there seems to be resistance on the part of local bishops to allow the faithful their full freedom to celebrate the Extraordinary Form. What do you recommend that the faithful do?
CC: To be informed. Many of the difficulties come out because they don’t know the reality of the Gregorian Rite – this is the just [correct] name for the Extraordinary Form, because this Mass was never prevented, never. Today for many bishops it is difficult because they don’t have priests who don’t know Latin. Many seminaries give very few hours to Latin – not enough to give the necessary preparation to celebrate in a good way the Extraordinary Form. Others think that the Holy Father is going against the Second Vatican Council. That is absolute ignorance. The Fathers of the Council, never celebrated a Mass other than the Gregorian one. It [the Novus Ordo] came after the Council … The Holy Father, who is a theologian and who was in the preparation for the Council, is acting exactly in the way of the Council, offering with freedom the different kinds of celebration. This celebration, the Gregorian one, was the celebration of the Church during more than a thousand years … Others say one cannot celebrate with the back to the people. This is ridiculous. The Son of God has sacrificed himself to the Father, with his face to the Father. It is not against the people. It is for the people …
Damian Thompson (Telegraph): Your Eminence, would the Holy Father like to see ordinary parishes in England with no knowledge of the Gregorian Rite introduced to it?
CC: Yes, of course. We cannot celebrate this without knowledge of the language, of the signs, of the ways of the Rite, and some institutions of the Church are helping in that way.
DT: So would the Pope like to see many ordinary parishes making provision for the Gregorian Rite?
CC: All the parishes. Not many – all the parishes, because this is a gift of God. He offers these riches, and it is very important for new generations to know the past of the Church. This kind of worship is so noble, so beautiful – the deepest theologians’ way to express our faith. The worship, the music, the architecture, the painting, makes a whole that is a treasure. The Holy Father is willing to offer to all the people this possibility, not only for the few groups who demand it but so that everybody knows this way of celebrating the Eucharist in the Catholic Church.
Anna Arco (The Catholic Herald): On that note, would you like to see all the seminaries in England and Wales teach the seminarians how to celebrate in the Extraordinary Form?
CC: I would like it, and it will be necessary. We are writing to the seminaries, we are in accord that we have to make deep preparation not only for the Rite, but for [teaching] the theology, the philosophy, the Latin language …
DT: What would be the practical steps for ordinary parishes [to prepare for the Gregorian Rite]?
CC: If the parish priest selects an hour, on Sundays, to celebrate the Mass, and prepare with catechesis the community to understand it, to appreciate the power of the silence, the power of the sacred way in front of God, the deep theology, to discover how and why the priests represents the person of Christ and to pray with the priest.
EC: Your Eminence, I think many Catholics are rather confused by this new emphasis on the Tridentine Rite, mainly because we were taught that the new Rite represented real progress, and many of us who have grown up with it see it as real progress, that there are Eucharistic ministers, women on the sanctuary, that we are all priests, prophets and kings. This new emphasis to many of us seems to deny that.
CC: What is progress? "Progredire", means [offering] the best to God… I am surprised, because many young people are enthusiastic with the celebration of the Gregorian Rite …
EC: In the Motu Proprio, the Pope's emphasis is on one Rite and two forms, and he describes the Tridentine Rite as "extraordinary". Extraordinary therefore means exceptional, not something that we celebrate every Sunday.
CC: Not "exceptional". Extraordinary means "not ordinary", not "exceptional."
EC: Should it therefore supersede the new Rite? Should we go back?
CC: It is not going back: it is taking a treasure which is present, but was not provided. … But it takes time. The application of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council took years. It takes time to understand the deep profundity of the old Rite. The Holy Father is not returning to the past; he is taking a treasure from the past to offer it alongside the rich celebration of the new Rite. The second Eucharistic prayer of the new Rite is actually the oldest one [in the Church’s entire liturgy]. It’s not a matter of confrontation but of fraternal dialogue.
DT: Will there be a clarification of the Motu Proprio?
CC: Not exactly a clarification of the Motu Proprio, but of matters treated in the Motu Proprio, such as the calendario, ordinations to the sub-diaconate, the way of using vestments, the Eucharistic fast.
DT: What about the "stable group"?
CC: It's a matter of common sense … In every bishop's household there are maybe three or four persons. This is a stable group … It is not possible to give two persons a Mass, but two here, two there, two elsewhere – they can have it. They are a stable group.
DT: From different parishes?
CC: No problem! This is our world. Managers of enterprises don’t live in one place, but they are a stable group.

sábado, 14 de junho de 2008

Card. Castrillón Hoyos: Rito Romano Extraordinário deveria ser celebrado em todas as paróquias

¿Qué parte de todas no entendiste? Suponemos que a no todos los Sres. Obispos les gusta el asunto. Según reporta el Daily Telegraph, Jun-14-2008, en una conferencia de prensa ofrecida hoy por el Card. Castrillón Hoyos en Londres, el Card. Castrillón afirma que el Rito Latino Extraordinario debiera ser celebrado en todas las parroquias. A continuación traducción del aparte aludido.

Ahora el Papa Benedicto claramente intenta ir muchos más lejos al promover la antigua liturgia. Preguntado [el Card. Castrillón] si la Misa Latina debiera ser celebrada en el futuro en muchas parroquias normales, el Cardenal Castrillón dijo: “No en muchas parroquias, en todas las parroquias. El Santo Padre ofrece esto no sólo para algunos grupos que lo requieran, sino para que todo el mundo conozca esta manera de celebrar la Eucaristía.”

¿Ahora vas comprendiendo lo que significa todas las parroquias?

domingo, 8 de junho de 2008


8 Giugno 2008: una data storica.
CITTA' DEL VATICANO - Messa in latino, secondo il rito antecedente a San Pio V, nella chiesa romana di SS.ma Trinita' dei Pellegrini. Iniziera' alle 10.00, a officiarla sara' padre Joseph Kramer, di origini australiane. La novita' segue l'applicazione del Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, emesso da Papa Ratzinger lo scorso luglio.Si attendono 300-400 persone, molti curiosi. E molte, in effetti, saranno le cose originali, soprattutto per i piu' giovani, a iniziare dal sacerdote che dara' le spalle ai fedeli per tutta la funzione. Diversi saranno poi il salmo d'ingresso, le preghiere durante l'offertorio, i canti che saranno tratti da un repertorio rinascimentale e barocco.Padre Joseph Kramer ha detto che in molti hanno gia' prenotato comunioni, cresime e matrimoni in latino. Secondo il sacerdote, questo non sara' un passo indietro, ma "un passo avanti" nella storia della Chiesa.

Intervista a Monsignor Joseph Kramer, il sacerdote chiamato alla guida della prima Chiesa tradizionalista d’Italia e d’Europa: “Il Motu Proprio di Benedetto XVI un atto di giustizia e libertà”
di Bruno Volpe